The missing ingredient
Popular cooking class at Watertown Middle School hungers for more funds
March 10, 2010
Every Thursday, the old kitchen in the basement of Watertown Middle School is filled with kids who love to cook.
Karen Zawisza, an eighth-grade humanities teacher, keeps the class in order while the kids make different types of food.
“I try to choose recipes these kids have probably never tried or cooked before, but ones that they will still enjoy making, too,” she said.
The kids enjoy cooking class because of the foods they get to eat and the friends they get to meet. There is a limit of how many kids can join per term because of the program’s budget. They are all hoping for more money for ingredients.
Right now the budget can only provide enough ingredients for eight kids to be in the class, but Ms. Zawisza is hoping she will be able to let a few more kids join next term.
–March 10, 2010–