Donations still needed for Coats for Kids drive
Annual drive for new and gently used winter coats ends Friday; all donations can be brought to Watertown Middle School
The annual Coats for Kids drive to help families in the community ends this week. Donations of new or gently worn winter coats can be brought to Watertown Middle School through Friday, Jan. 8, 2016.
January 5, 2016
Every year, Watertown Middle School holds a Coats for Kids drive that goes toward people and families in need. WMS sets a goal each year for how many coats it think the school can donate. This year’s goal is for every student to bring in at least one coat. If this happens, the school should be able to donate about 600 coats.
The drive ends this Friday, Jan. 8. As of Monday, about 350 coats had been donated.
There are boxes in the main lobby for donations. Students, teachers, and anyone else can donate coats. The only coats that will be accepted are warm, gently used, or new winter coats of any size, from newborn baby to XXXL. Vests with fleece are not allowed.
Once the coats are collected, all are cleaned by Anton’s Cleaners and distributed by social service agencies to those in need within the local community.
If every student brings in just one coat, the goal will be reached.
Eighth-grader Ashley S. of the Leadership class said, “I think there is a pretty good chance that we will reach our goal because because we have done it in the past before.”
In the past, Watertown Middle School has placed within the top 10 in the whole country for the most coats donated. If a school places in the top three, it can get various prizes.
To help motivate students, there is an Amazon gift card raffle being held schoolwide. For every coat brought in, the student will be entered in the raffle.
The drive really does help people and families who can’t afford warm winter coats.
The school participates in many fund-raisers and community activities and this is just one of them. The students and teachers do this because it gives back to the community and WMS is all about helping out and giving back.
–Jan. 5, 2016–